Rules for loans

To loan material from the Academy’s library, you must be registered as user. If You are an international student. Contact the library.

You register your loans at the self-service check-out machine.
The person registering is responsible for all parts are returned to the library. Whoever registered the loan may be charged a fee.

Loan periods
The loan period for all material is 1 month.

Renew loans
You must renew your loans through the database when you are logged on.
Renewal of loan periods is possible from 7 days before due date unless the material has a reservation.

You may reserve loaned material through the same page.
The library gives notification when the material is available.

Return you loans at the self service desk.

All loans and reservations can be seen in your account in the databases. It is also possible to renew loans here.

Recall notice and fee
Three days before due date you will receive a reminder.
The fee will be created when the materials are returned.

A recall notice will be send 8 days after due date.
A fee of DKK 25 will be charged if you return the materials more than 8 days after due date.
Another fee of DKK 50 will be charged if you return the materials more than 25 days after due date.

If the material has not been returned or renewed within 40 days after the due date the matter will be send to replacement.
If the fee exceeds DKK 200, you are excluded from loans until the fee has been paid.

An extra fee of DKK 150 will be put on each invoice sent to you.

Damaged or lost material must be substituted by paying the cost for repair or replacement.
If the material cannot be replaced, the user must pay an amount equal to an evaluated price of the material (set by the Academy of Music) plus a fee (according to Act no. 304 about Library activity).
Expenses to video/DVD rights owners for permission to loans may mean that the actual cost may be several times higher than normal retail price.

Payment of fee and replacement may happen in the library by Dankort/Visa/Mastercard or Mobilpay.

If the material is recovered, the Academy will repay the replacement price upon returning the material. Fees are not refundable.